It has been months since I have blogged. Computer problems made the process too painfully slow and a crazy, busy schedule robbed me of the luxury of free time to blog. The schedule is still chaotic, but the computer issues have been resolved.

I haven't had time for much gardening lately either, but I have always been intrigued with vertical gardening and plan to add one to my yard at some point in the future.
Vertical gardens have been popular in Europe for quite some time. They have been gaining popularity in the states for about a year now. They were featured this past summer at the Del Mar Fair. I took the girls and my nephews and in between stuffing their faces with fair food and going on rides that would make me throw up, I took a quick peek at the exhibits.
These are some of the pictures. Check out the picture on the left. It's an apple tree that has been espaliered on the wall. Edible art!
I love the herbs and veggies growing in the picture below. Perfect for a small kitchen garden with nowhere to go but up.
Most of these gardens are created with a plastic cell frame filled with soil and anchored to a wall or by using a product called Woolly Pockets. Last year I watched a show featuring one of my favorite garden designers use the Woolly Pockets in a Los Angeles garden. These are very cool but cost around $50 a piece. The installation of the Woolly Pockets can be pricey especially when you need multiple units. I have also seen these used on Martha Stewart's Show. For more pictures and info. go to
The nice thing about Woolly Pockets is they can be installed on interior walls because the back of the unit is waterproof. Here is a diagram of what a Woolly Pocket looks like below. The picture of the nine units mounted would cost $450. Don't you wish you were the one who invented these? I don't have time right now, but I'm pretty sure I can make my own for a whole lot less. I'll put it on my to do list.

Nine unit installation diagram
Indoor installation of multiple Woolly Pockets. Great indoor air filter and beautiful!

Here is a homemade version at the fair. I think they are made out of burlap?

Some other cool pictures of vertical gardens. This is a building in Europe.

Woolly Pockets filled with succulents and grasses in L.A. Virtually maintenance free!

A living breathing office

Here is a homemade version at the fair. I think they are made out of burlap?
Some other cool pictures of vertical gardens. This is a building in Europe.

Woolly Pockets filled with succulents and grasses in L.A. Virtually maintenance free!

A living breathing office

A beautiful store front

I love this idea. I recently ripped out some examples of this out of Sunset...they used all succulents...I see some projects on the horizon in all our spare time :)
ReplyDeleteLove it. can't wait to see pics from YOUR vertical garden. Go for it!
ReplyDeleteJust so wonderful!