Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall Buffet

It was about 95 degrees here in sunny San Diego and it still feels weird getting out the pumpkins?  I know many of you welcome the cooler weather that fall brings, but I thrive in the heat.  Yesterday I played volleyball at the beach and it felt like summer.  Playing volleyball with my girl friends is my one selfish "me time" I'm holding on to right now.  I'm down to just once a week at the moment.  I'm kind of over scheduled, totally my own doing and it's only temporary.  I won't bore you with "I'm sooo busy,"  because I know all of you are just as busy too.  Do you know anyone that isn't over scheduled and busy? 
I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to visit my little blog.
Thank you! 
Here is my fall buffet.  I'm using more of my studded pumpkins
 I made these many years ago. 
I still like them.

Here I am trying to be artsy with Picnik.

I added old Fleur Di Ly's fence finials to the top of my pumpkins.  My mom picked these up for me at an architectural salvage store.  She's my personal shopper.  I didn't know what to do with them at the time, but I knew they would come in handy someday?  I took the pumpkin stem off and stuck in a few shish kabob skewers to hold the finial in place.  I used more of my feather boas around the bottoms. 

I used the left over tacks from a chair project.

 You can just see my Thanksgiving tree in the background of this picture.

Here's my Thanksgiving tree from last year.  Sorry the picture is bad it's from my old camera.

One of our family traditions is to put up a Thanksgiving Tree right after Halloween and this is one of the gratitude cards we put on the tree.  Our family, and everyone else that comes to our house writes something they are grateful for on the card and we hang them on the tree.  During the Thanksgiving meal we read them. 
The table runner is one I made from left over pillow fabric.

To see how I came up with the architectural piece above the mirror go here.

Under the cloche I have an urn filled with coral, feathers, and pumpkins.

Slowly but surely I'm getting my fall out and about the house.  The good news is that busy people like us get more done. 
I  would love to hear from you and see your fall decor.  Please leave me a comment and a link back so I can see what your up to.

Thanks for checking it out.

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  1. I love the idea of the Thanksgiving tree! how fun!
    Love those studded pumpkins

  2. Everything looks wonderful. The Thanksgiving tree is a great idea and it's beautiful. I love the nail heads, the architectural details, everything!!

  3. I love your whole wall! What a talented lady you are. Wow!
