Monday, December 10, 2012

It's 70 degrees and Christmas in San Diego

Hey there, today I wanted to show you the outside of my house and how it's decorated for Christmas.

I live in San Diego.  
It's going to be 70 degrees today so bringing the "winter" to the outside of the house can be a challenge.
I know, poor me, I have to deal with beautiful warm winter weather.

My husband and I recently ripped out the ten year old Blue Point Junipers on either side of our front door.  
The one on the right side of the door decided to twist crooked and go sun searching.  
The lack of symmetry bugged me. 
As much as we tried to stake it and straighten out, it just wasn't working. 
It happens with landscaping, things periodically need to be ripped out. 

Christmas 2011

This year I moved two of my urns and pedestals to either side of the front door.  
I added faux greenery, sticks, and Christmas balls to the urns.

Symmetry achieved,  
I like it.

I can change out the urns with each season.

I also painted my windows and the entry mirror with a DIY stencil for the third year in a row.
This year I used a simple deer head design.

I used water based craft paint to stencil the windows.
It's easy to scrub off after Christmas.

To see how I did my windows last here click here.

Christmas 2011

I painted the front windows too.

 I added some faux wreaths to the windows and attached them with suction cups.

It may be warm here but we can pretend it's snowing.

Thanks for checking out.


  1. Lovely...great ideas TY
    Off to SD Thursday for a flight out to Maui for the season ;))

  2. The reindeer/moose stencil looks great!

    P.S. It was 70 in my neck of the woods today and I'm in Southern New England!

  3. Wow, your urns are stunning! You took that sunshine and made it into a winter wonderland. \

    Such a great idea to use paint on the windows. If I get the urge to do it, I will remember to thank you for the great idea.

  4. amazing, shannon.
    did you remove the tall skinny ever greens that flanked your door? where those in-ground? always beautiful whatever you do.
    when the day finally arrives for relocation back "home". need your amazing eye for some serious rehab in my yard.
    miss you immensely.

  5. ValenzMom (aka Helen)December 11, 2012 at 6:55 AM

    You are so clever! How did you come up with deer? That is the one thing I've never seen used as a Christmas theme, yet it fits right in. In fact, it's even the theme of the new Bond film, Skyfall. How up-to-date are you, Shannon?! :)

  6. LOVE the stenciling on the windows with the wreaths above and your urns are beautiful! Great decorating despite your horrible weather LOL! Hugs, Leena
