Monday, July 25, 2011

First Day of School

The beginning of our new school year started last week.  Casey is off to High School as a freshman and Cami gets to to be the big cheese on campus as a 6th grader.  6th grade is still part of elementary school where we live.  As a former 7th and 8th grade middle school teacher, I'm happy 8th grade boys have no contact with my 6th grade daughter.  If you have middle school age boys, sorry, I'm sure yours are nice and well mannered, all of them aren't.  I spent thirteen years teaching them.  

It was really early in the morning for my sleeping beauties and they weren't thrilled about mom taking pictures.  Casey is putting on her "happy" face to appease her crazy picture taking mother.

That is my husband and their dad with his head edited out of the picture.  His job requires that he remain anonymous.  If you have been following my blog for very long you might have noticed his face is never in any of the family pictures.  He puts bad people in jail and the bad people and their families aren't real happy about it.  As a result I have to cut him out of the pictures.

Our great friends the Mendler's son Ben will be a senior at the school Casey is going to.  Ben offered to drive her to school with Casey's best friends Maddie (Ben's sister in the front seat) and Vicky in the back seat with Casey.  All the girls will be freshman together.  They are the nicest kids all from great families.  Casey is lucky to have such great friends. 

My little Cami is catching up to me.  She's grown about five inches this year.

Here she is with some of her classmates.  They are in a Spanish immersion class and have been together since kindergarten!  They have all changed and grown so much.

  It's kind of a bummer to start school in July but we get a nice break at the end of September, beginning of October.

Hope you are enjoying your summer!


  1. Back to school already? I still get a knot in my stomach and tears in my eyes when I send my kids out on their first day back, and they are 17 and 13. lol

  2. Two weeks from today, and Kate will be back in school...senior year! It will go by way too quickly for me.

  3. ugh back to school? I havent gotten a signle supply yet!
    Love the pics. You girls are gorgeous (just like their momma) and I love the hair bling. lol
    my youngest has it in her hair also!

  4. Back to school- what? We star back in late August. I'm a teacher and the back to school statement made me cringe!!!!
    I'd be interested in knowing how the school year is divided- when do they break for the summer?

    About our 9' basement- yes it is very high. Most houses on our street with the same layout don't have 9' ceilings- we're lucky. Everyone who comes over is confused about the space- they say "but... is this a basement?" And I casually say, "Yes, our ceiling is just a little bit taller than the norm." I love it:)


  5. Happy first days of school! Agreed about those 13 year-old boys. :)
