Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I saw these mini glass hanging bubbles last year in Garden Design Magazine.   It was love at first sight, but I didn't like the price tag. I tucked them away in my memory wish list and thought, well "someday" I'll find those glass bubbles at a price I'm willing to pay? 

I think they are bubblicious!

While poking around in one of my favorite floral supply stores last week I found the glass bubbles for a great price, about a third of what I found them on line for.
I went a little cuckoo crazy and bought a collection.  I bought six bigger ones and five smaller ones. 
I thought they would look great with my 70's inspired

I added some sand, tillandsias, shells, faux pearls, and moss to the bubbles.  I hung them at different heights with thin twine.  I harvested (stole) the tillandsias from my outdoor entry mirror.  

I made another macrame rope hanger and fit two larger round glass bowls in the ropes,
double decker style. 
 I added candles, sand, and shells to the larger glass bowls.

Repeating the same round shape in different sizes gave the collection a cohesive look. 
Hanging the bubbles at different heights created a "bubble curtain." 

I added some of my succulent cuttings to two of the bubbles. 
We'll see how they do?  See the top two bubbles.  This succulent is called "Fish Hooks."

I moved my original macrame rope planter to the corner of the patio.

It's really beautiful at night.  My pictures don't do it justice.  I made this area of the yard the candy bar for my husband's 50th birthday party.  I never buy candy, but it was his birthday so I bought all his favorites and set them out in glass jars under the bubbles. 

Sorry about the bad night pictures.

I tried real candles in my test run inside the glass bubbles, but wow they got hot!  I thought they might explode or burn someone who inadvertently touched the glass? 
I traded the candles out for battery operated lights instead. 
Exploding glass is bad.

I made some curtains for the party with drop cloths from Big Lots, gromets, and more rustic rope. 

Here's the view from the kitchen.

I'm loving the bubbles with my macrame rope creations.  The possibilities are endless with fun things to add to the bubbles.  Fall leaves for Autumn, spiders for Halloween, snowflakes for Christmas, etc.  For now I'm loving the green. 
Have you found any inspiring items from your wish list lately?

Thanks for checking it out.


  1. You never cease to amaze me with your projects! I love the bubbles alongside your macrame plant holders. So creative. I love how you added the drapes too. It all looks so inviting.

  2. I love how this looks, Shannon. I'm so jealous of your CA weather!

  3. It looks wonderful, what a great idea! Love it and can I have the mirror?

  4. Those are really beautiful; I love how they all look hung there together in a big group. And they are stunning at night all lit up!

  5. I love macrame! It looks amazing! I must say that I agree with T.@WhatWeKeep that I am jealous of your weather also. I am an air plant fanatic as well. It's great to have something that I can't kill. Beautiful work.

  6. shan, you could rock anything. love it and can't wait to see it in person.

  7. What? Just when I thought you couldn't be more awesome. This looks amazing!
