Tuesday, June 28, 2011

In Loving Memory

 I am heartbroken.  I lost my best friend today.
We said goodbye to our little sweet dog Roscoe.  I spent most of the day with her laying on my chest, listening to her breathing get more strained.  I didn't want to let her go.

We've had her longer than the kid's. 
 When I put my mind to something I make it happen.  I thought this would apply to getting pregnant too, but life doesn't always work out how you plan.  After four months of trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant I decided I needed a puppy to love. 

She was my first baby. 
We got pregnant two months after we got her. 

She was always very curious and liked to be in the middle of what ever project I was working on.
Here's one of the painting projects she tried to help me with.

Here she is helping me make slip covers for the couch.

No living thing will ever love me as much as that little dog did.
Nothing against my family, they love me very much, but Roscoe was my dog and dogs love you unconditionally.  She would run around the house if she didn't know where I was until she found me.  She would be excited to see me if I came out the bathroom or came back from stepping out to get the mail.  She would lay at my feet while I worked on the computer and sleep on my lap when I watched TV.  She needed desperately to be close to me and I cherished that.

She was always happy. 
She always wagged her tail.  Even when she would bark at people that came to the house the tail was still wagging. 

The sweetest girl with a boy name.
 She never was in a bad mood and when she knew when I was feeling blue she would sit with me and try and make me feel better. She was the best listener.

We will miss you terribly.


  1. My heart goes out to you. Roscoe was a beautiful girl and I am so sorry that she is no longer there to pet, but I am equally happy that she was able to find such a wonderful person to love during her time on Earth.

  2. shan, heartbroken for you. there are no words. i remember when we lost molly (our baby before we had babies). awful. roscoe was the best. she always did a great job welcoming us when we stopped in for a visit.
    hang tough girlie. it gets better.

  3. Oh how sad. So sorry for your loss Shannon.

  4. I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your little dog. I think pets are one of the hardest deaths sometimes because you suddenly realize how much they meant to you and how much they were a part of the family, silently and selflessly.

  5. My heart weeeps I'm so sorry that your little buddy is no longer with you. I'm sure she had a good doggie life. Thinking of you Shannon.

  6. So sorry to hear about your sweet Roscoe. There's something about love from four-legged friends that just can't be matched. take care!

  7. Bless your heart, I know how special pets are. Your in my thoughts..

  8. Heart broken right along with you :(
    What a sweet way to share your love for your pup, she was adorable and will forever rest in your soul whenever you think of her, I pray you will feel her snuggles.

  9. Tears are streaming down my face as I read this. The way you describe your precious Roscoe sounds just like my Heidi. I am so sorry you lost your sweet baby girl...I'll be thinking of you

  10. oh my gosh!!!! I am so sorry!! I am crying with you right now- we have a little westie too and she is 11 yrs old and we almost lost her earlier this year but she pulled through-but since then I am always worried for when her time will come. We like you have had her before kids- she WAS our 1st baby! Praying for you and your family! *hugs*

  11. Oh, Shannon, I'm so sorry!!! Everything in your post rang so true to me, and it was such a great tribute to Roscoe. We lost our 13 year old lab last year, who had been with me my whole adult life. The hardest part was the time leading up to his passing, and the moment we had to let go. Now, I think of him fondly. He lived a happy life. One of the things that helped us get through it was when our friends shared their memories with us. It reminded me of the great times we had, and reminded me that he had been so energetic when he was young. We had gotten so used to thinking of the old version of him, who was very lethargic and had difficulty walking. It was fun to remember his crazy antics. My heart goes out to you.

  12. Shannon I am so sorry for your lost. This was a wonderful tribute to Roscoe. Praying for you and your family (hugs)

  13. Ok, I am crying now. I feel the same way about Lola that you do about Roscoe. I am so sorry you lost your bestie. I would be truly heartbroken too.

  14. So sorry for your loss, Shannon. Such a wonderful tribute to your beloved Roscoe. As an owner of 2 dogs, I know how special our pets are.
