Saturday, June 18, 2011

I Made The Top Ten

I'm a little late, my friend Lizzy over at My Mind My Life just told me my Metal Hanging Planter Light made the

Top 10 at CSI! 

Mandi Gubler of Vintage Revivals was the guest judge for the

She picked my light fixture as one of her top ten favorites. 
Thanks Mandi! 

Check out some of the other projects that made the cut.

My friend Steph at Birdhouse Yellow Lamp Redo 
It looks so pretty up against the blue wall.

This was a $25 Craig's List find.  You should see the before picture.
Ugly to Fabulous!

cowhide, dresser, dresser re-do, rustic, studded dresser

I love this Polka Dot Couch from The Polka Dot House

Congratulations to all the winners!

Thanks for Checking It Out.

1 comment:

  1. Aha! I had already "pinned" your chandy to one of my pinterest boards. It's phenomenal! Thanks for the shout out about my dresser. :)
