Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Finally- The Finished Slip Cover

Remember about a week ago when I was bragging about how great our San Diego weather is? Well since last Saturday, it's been raining. Right now it's pouring. I usually don't like rain, but today I was happy about it. It was so nasty outside we canceled our plans for the day and stayed home. I finally finished (almost) my slip cover for my couch. I still need to order new replacement high density foam for the the saggy seat cushions.
 Here is the finished couch.

Here is where I left off last time I blogged. I had to run to a soccer tournament. It was a busy soccer weekend. Our club was hosting the tournament and not only did we watch all my daughter's games, but I also worked at one of the venues. Casey's team won the whole tournament (in the rain). Oh yeah, did I mention it's the week before Christmas? Needless to say, I didn't have time for much sewing this weekend.

My last blog detailed how I used beige Ikea velvet drapes that I already had.  I dyed them gray to use on my couch as a slip cover. After measuring my couch, I determined I needed three more curtain panels to complete the project. I already had four panels sitting in my closet. They come in two packs, so I bought two more packs. I ended up using approximately 21 yards of fabric which equals seven curtain panels. I have one extra dyed panel that I can use for the backside of pillows.

I didn't use a pattern, I followed the lines of the upholstery in most cases. I detoured from this technique when doing the front of each arm. I traced the shape of the flat front of the arm on to paper and used it to make the shape. I like a more fitted slip cover look. To get a more tailored look, I added a zipper to the back right hand corner of the slip cover. I was afraid if I didn't, I would rip the seams taking the cover on and off.

I haven't worked with velvet before. Not sure I'll do it again? It's not fun to work with! It has a mind of it's own. When the front sides of the velvet are facing each other when sewing, the fabric clings and puckers. The fabric also "grew" while I sewed. I don't know if that's a characteristic of velvet or if it's because I washed and dyed it in very hot water? I'm not sure if that contributed to the stretching? Anyway, the stretching caused the project to take even more time than I anticipated. I would measure, cut, sew, and have to re-sew because the fabric had stretched and looked baggy on the couch. This would require turning the slip cover inside out, putting the slip cover back on the couch, lining it up perfectly, re-pinning, taking it off, re-sewing, putting it back on, and so on. It doubled my project time. I finished today, yeah for me!

Here is the before.

Notice there's no dog on this one? Let's keep it that way Roscoe.

Now I need to find fabric to make new pillows, and paint the walls, and rip up the carpet, paint the concrete, and ....

I'll have to wait till after Christmas and another rainy day.

Do you ever start projects like this right before the Holidays or a big event at your house?
I think I enjoy the pressure of the deadline to get it done on time?
Is that a little psycho. of me?
Thanks for checking it out!

The after.


  1. Yeah! Looks great, S. Well done. Perfect weather for a little (or a lot) of sewing. I'll be joining you in the slip cover world soon.
    Good job, can't wait to watch the rest of your projects unfold.

  2. Thanks Wendy, can't wait to see your "new" old chair.

  3. Looks great Shannon. Can't wait to see in person. I may need to finally update my red couch. Love my couch a little tired of red. I will be coming for tips. And if I can talk Don into painting the concrete in our living room I would do that too :)

  4. Hey Kristy, you are a way more accomplished seamtress than I am. Painting the concrete in your living room, now that is something I could help with.
