Sunday, November 28, 2010

What Did You Buy On Black Friday?

I did some serious shopping on Black Friday. I dropped $865 on one item. It wasn't on sale and I hadn't been dreaming of the day I could finally get one of these. We were forced to purchase this item Thanksgiving Day when I heard my husband yell from the garage,
"of all days not today"!

The water heater gave us ten good years. Thanksgiving Day it spewed water from the top and flooded the garage. Now we had two hours to clean up the mess while putting the finishing touches on the house and meal before our guests showed up. Plenty of time! I hurried to take a shower before all the hot water was gone. My husband mopped up the garage and drained the water heater.

Our Black Friday Purchase. A 50 gallon water heater with a six year warranty. There goes my coaching pay check.

It could have been much worse. We were home when it happened and my husband caught it early. No major damage. We didn't really need hot water to make the Thanksgiving meal. (Doing dishes that night was not fun) We got in a shower before everyone showed up. Our friend Plumber Paul came the next day and replaced it with a new one. Happy Black Friday purchase!

On the way to get in a quick shower I got side tracked by the kid's table. I decided it needed a personal touch so I grabbed the Sharpie and did a five minute fix. Does anyone else get so easily distracted while one the way to do something else? It's a wonder I accomplish anything.
This isn't a new idea. I have one of those red plates that says "You are Special Today." I've seen people do this for welcome plates and I've used a gold pen and wrote our initial on dessert plates before. For the kid's plates I added an initial to the middle of the plate, wrote around the edge and drew a turkey and some simple hearts. I like this idea and will use it again for Birthdays and other special dinners. The Sharpie washes off with a scrub from the green side of the sponge and soap and water. Very quick, easy, and no artistic talent required. You could use a stencil if you don't feel confident in your lettering.

My turkey is upside down in this picture so he's hard to see. The cartoon quality keeps it more kid friendly.

Here are my center pieces for the buffet table. Simple fruit and flowers in a cornucopia basket. Some from my yard and some purchased.

The day was so busy and fun I didn't get to take anymore pictures. The ones I did take came out blurry. I hope Santa brings me a new camera for Christmas.

Other than the water heater it was perfect day. The sun came out. The food and company were excellent and everyone was in good spirits. We read the Gratitude Cards after the meal and it was very touching. We remembered the family and friends we lost this year. Most everyone wrote they were thankful for their family and health. No one mentioned their car, house, jewelry, water heater, or any other material possession. We will definitely continue this new family tradition. See my Thanksgiving Tree blog for more on the Gratitude Cards. Click on the Link below.

These two are what I am most Thankful for! My wonderful husband too, but I can't show his picture or write his name. That's a whole other blog.

I am also grateful for all of you!


  1. oh man. Where do I start? Thanksgiving water heater? You'll never forget that, will you?
    Okay, on a positive note, I LOVE the idea of writing on the plates. Brilliant! WIll have to steal that idea, if you don't mind.
    We were thinking of our san diego friends back home. Did parents attend turkey day at your pad? I'm sure it was a wonderful day.

  2. Hey Wendy, My parents, cousin margaret, cousin David, respective spouses and kids came. Mike and Sandy did there usual trip to Big Bear. Thanks for the plate compliment, so easy, steal away! I would love to see what you come up with. We had a great time and the water heater makes the day unforgetable! Miss You!
